https://doi.org/10.31865/2520-684292018157447Ключові слова:
values, Ukrainian youth, students, Polish society, John Paul IIАнотація
The article examines the problem of value-sense orientations of modern students, as one of the most important and most debatable problems in modernThis problem is related to the interpretation and understanding of the main, basic principles of the functioning of society and the state, their structure, the life of nations, the interrelationships of social strata, and the life of each individual.
With an increase in the sample or changes in its geographical or structural characteristics, the specific ratings of specific individuals may change. But the conclusions that thanks to music, poetry, sports (physical or virtual) and representatives of the sacred sphere among young people the popularity ratings are formed, remain without significant changes. It is directions (music, poetry, sport, and secret sacredness) that make it possible to effectively influence the emotional sphere of a person.
This topic of study is quite complex, it includes the study of several aspects: the age-specific psychological characteristics of students, the problems of spiritual and moral education of students. The analysis of the system of values and value orientations of modern students is extremely necessary in the new historical conditions (crisis of social ideals, spiritual and political crisis, etc.) and allows scientific management of the social, psychological, political, and philosophical processes of modern society. Student youth has an extremely special role in society, and the future and future of society as a whole depend on the values and value orientations of modern student youth.
Keywords: values, Ukrainian youth, students, Polish society, John Paul II.
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