
  • R. Dodonov Донбасский государственный педагогический университет,
  • V Dodonova
  • Leonid Ivanovych Mozghovyi Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Донбаський державний педагогічний університет», Україна https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1810-4054




The article is devoted to the methodological problems and manipulative mechanisms of hybrid warfare, analyzed in the collective monograph "Hybrid War: in verbo et in praxi". Due to the appeal to the polemical approach, its authors have managed to systematize and generalize the theory of war and peace, analyze the modern Western concepts of war, to indicate the specifics of the Russian viewpoint on the concept of hybrid war, to evaluate the importance of information and manipulation technologies for hybrid wars, to analyze a number of geopolitical and socio-cultural aspects of modern hybrid wars. Polemology examines the universal features of armed conflicts, their role in time and space, cycles, and classification. Hybrid warfare involves the use of existing military assets, regular and irregular, including weapons of mass destruction, as well as information, psychological and advocacy wars with the use of emerging communications and media technologies. According to the classical approach, the state is the sole subject of hostilities, but today its role has changed dramatically under the influence of other political and economic, supranational and transboundary factors. To study wars and armed conflicts from a polemical point of view, this means the need to focus on social changes in all areas of human life, including political, economic, and technological factors that influence war as a social phenomenon.
Key words: polemology, conflict, philosophy of war, hybrid war, informational-manipulative technologies, mass consciousness, mythology, ideologema, transgression.



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